

学生可能会经历生活情境, 医疗条件, or psychological conditions that significantly impair their ability to function successfully and safely in their role as students. 在这些情况下, a course reduction or time away from the University for treatment and recovery can often restore functioning to a level that will enable a return to the University. The decision to withdraw from a course or leave the University for medical reasons may happen at any time in the semester, 独立于其他公布的退出截止日期. 病假, 是否自愿, 非自愿的或临时的, 在符合休假标准的情况下是否可以获得批准.


当学生身体受损到需要休病假的程度时, 这种损害往往影响到更广泛的社区.

请求MLOA通常有显著的优势. 这些包括:

  • 学生通常可以在公布的退出截止日期过后申请MLOA.
  • 获得批准的MLOA的学生将获得W的课程, 不会影响累积绩点.
  • MLOA可以减少对经济援助的负面影响.
  • 适用于有学费报销保险的学生, MLOA通常使学生有资格获得福利. (学生s who think they may need to take a MLOA during the coming semester may wish to consider purchasing tuition reimbursement insurance before that semester begins.)
  • 面向国际学生, MLOA可以提供在保持合法身份的同时留在美国的一种方式.


  • 病假 (MLOA): a voluntary withdrawal from the University in order to improve mental or physical health, which has been supported by a healthcare provider and approved by the Senior Director of the 学业成功中心.
  • Medical Course load Reduction: a voluntary course load reduction after published deadlines for withdrawing from courses, 哪一种被认为可以改善精神或身体健康.
  • 自愿临时紧急假: a temporary leave from the University to accommodate a medical or mental health emergency.
  • 非自愿健康戒断: an 非自愿的 withdrawal from the University imposed on the student by the University as a result of behavior due to medical or mental health conditions that meet the standards for such withdrawal, 定义如下.
  • Direct Threat: a significant risk to others’ health or safety that cannot be eliminated by the provision of auxiliary aids or services or by a modification of policies, 实践, 或过程.
  • 重大风险:极有可能对大学社区造成重大伤害的行为, 在考虑时提供有关可用行为的信息.
  • Substantial Disruption: Behavior that continually and considerably interferes with other students’ participation in academic, 课外, 住房/居住生活, 就业, 或者其他与大学有关的活动.


病假, 是否自愿, 非自愿的, 或临时, 如符合休假条件,会否获批准. 学生s placed on such leave must leave campus as directed by the Senior Director of the 学业成功中心, 或者指定人员. 如果学生重新注册时需要住宿, those will be reviewed by the Senior Director of the 学业成功中心 in consultation with appropriate administrators in Health, 咨询 &
心理服务及/或残疾服务. 如果不需要住宿, 学生将按照以下程序重新注册.


所有请求的MLOA或医学课程负荷减少需要医疗保健提供者的建议. An MLOA or medical course load reduction may be granted when a student experiences serious medical or psychological issues while enrolled as a student that impact the student’s ability to function effectively, 包括上课的能力, 认知功能, 或者完成工作的能力. 学生s who determine a need for an MLOA between semesters should go through regular withdrawal procedures through the Registrar’s Office.

描述了重新注册的过程 在线, and specific recommendations are outlined in the MLOA approval letter sent to the student from the 学业成功中心. 学生s are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations outlined in the approval letter to help facilitate their return. 除了, students who are approved for an MLOA are generally expected to spend at least three months to one full semester away from the University to focus on treatment and recovery from the matter(s) that precipitated the MLOA before reenrollment will be approved. Please note that University’s decision to support re-enrollment will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Senior Director of the 学业成功中心 in consultation with the Dean of Health & 健康.

以便有时间处理重新注册的申请, previously enrolled students must submit all required materials by the deadline for the semester they intend to return, 如下:

  • 秋季学期:6月15日
  • 春季学期:十一月十五日
  • 夏季学期:三月十五日


创造一个安全和健康的学习环境,确保所有学生和员工的福祉, 浩博体育app可以启动学生的非自愿健康休学(IHRW). 国际人权观察的制定,如果确定, 由于学生的身体或心理健康状况, 学生对他人或自己的健康或安全构成直接威胁, 这个学生的行为对大学社区造成了严重的破坏, and/or the student has allegedly violated the student code of conduct and upon a preliminary investigation it is reasonably believed that the alleged misconduct was 非自愿的 or the student lacks the capacity to comprehend the nature of the act or to participate in the disciplinary process. 在确定学生是否符合IHRW的标准时, 大学的关注评估反应评估(CARE)团队将进行个性化评估, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical information and the best available objective evidence, 为了确定其性质, 持续时间, and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, 实践, 或程序或提供辅助艾滋病或服务将减轻风险.


If a student has a critical incident or life event that requires them to leave the University temporarily but does meet the criteria for a 病假 (MLOA), 自愿临时紧急假(VIEL)可能是适当的. 不像MLOA, 当学术成功中心的高级主任同意后,VIEL可以立即实施, 或被任命者, 决定学生的情况需要短暂离开学校.



  • An 非自愿健康戒断 from the University and/or from University housing recommended by the CARE team.
  • The conditions recommended by the CARE Team in order for the student to remain enrolled and/or continue living in University housing.
  • 拒绝该学生重新入学的请求.
  • The conditions specified by the CARE Team for re-enrollment in the event of an 非自愿健康戒断.
  • 基于学生未能遵守此政策的非自愿健康相关退学.

The appeal must be based on a material procedural error and/or the student’s receipt of relevant new information. 负责学生生活的副主席 & 学生事务主任将担任申诉专员.


A student who is approved for voluntary or 非自愿的 withdrawal or leave of absence for medical reasons will be given a “W” grade in courses from which they have withdrawn. An administrative hold will be placed on the student’s academic record to prevent any unauthorized reenrollment by the student.


退还学费和餐费 会否按照大学的政策及程序办理.